Young Influencers List, April edition

Here's the April edition of the Young Influencers List. You can see past editions here. 1. Michael Jr.- great comedian in LA. Appears frequently on Tonight Show. Releasing a documentary called The Road Less Traveled, about doing comedy in places not usually filled with laughter.

2. Hannah Song- Exec. Director of Link Global, which aims to raise awareness regarding humanitarian issues in North Korea.

3. Kyle Wiens- founder of iFixit, an innovative new group seeking to create a free online fixit manual that you can edit and add to from anywhere in the world. A wikipedia for gadgets.

4. Brian Wurzell- pastor, worship leader, blogger extraordinaire, creative guru and host. On staff with Cornerstone Church in Chandler, AZ.

5. Mariah McManus- amazing singer/songwriter, and daughter of Erwin. She's really, really good.