People and Places I'm Learning from Currently

Every leader needs to make sure they are continuing to learn on a consistent basis. Here are a few current outlets for my learning. This is not an exhaustive list since the things I'm listening to, reading, or watching change on a pretty regular basis. But this gives a pretty good perspective for what is happening right now. 1. Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast- one of the best resources and podcasts available.

2. Catalyst DVD sets- I don't get to hear most of the talks at Catalyst, but I always go back later and listen to every talk.

3. TED Talks- one of my favorite places to look for fresh content and inspiring new voices.

4. Seth Godin- through his blog and all of his books.

5. Fast Company- both their magazine as well as the website. Great content for innovative leaders.

6. Blogs from Michael Hyatt, Tony Morgan, Perry NobleTechCrunch, Ron Edmondson, and John Maxwell.

7. a great aggregator of blogs, links, and important info. Check out the Church section on Alltop for a listing of some good Church Leadership blogs to read.

8. Charlie Rose- one of the great interviewers of our time, and always has fascinating guests on his show. And you can watch all the interviews on the website.

9. Twitter- I know that Twitter is about community, but I also think the best news feed you can have, since you can choose what you want to hear and who you want to hear from.

10. Mashable- keeps me updated on everything in the tech, social media, cool new websites, and social networks space.

11. News Apps on my iPad- including the USA TODAY app, CNN, and NY Times.

12. Other events- like SXSW, Pop Tech, Big Omaha, 99% Conference, Plywood Presents, and World Business Forum.