10 Must Haves for Leaders

1. Community- can't be isolated. Friends and people you can do life with are paramount. Surround yourself with friends and team members who aren't impressed by you. 2. Credibility- you must be believable. And a leader who is trustworthy. Above reproach and constant integrity. If you say you'll get it done, you will. Your word is your bond.

3. Hunger- leaders are learners. And always want to get better. Constant posture of improvement.

4. Hope- vision for tomorrow. A belief that tomorrow will be better than today. And constant encouragement to those around them, giving them hope to tackle what's in front of them.

5. Self- awareness- know who you truly are. And lead from that authenticity. Do all you can to understand the true you.

6. Confidence- confidence, not arrogance. In a shaky, insecure world, you must be confident and secure. Thanks to Louie Giglio for this one in a recent message.

7. Humility- understand and realize that it's not about you. A bigger story is going on. Always make it about someone else on your team. Hand it off. Pass it on.

8. Competence- be the best in the world at what you do. A level of excellence. The expert in your field/industry/niche.

9. Passion- Jesus focused. A contagious love for what you do, and overall passion for life. You are your best customer, and would actually purchase or attend or be part of whatever you are creating.

10. Courage- leaders take risks. And are willing to step out in front when no one else will. And make constant decisions. Bringing certainty to uncertainty.

