Young Influencers List, January edition

Here you go, the January edition of the Young Influencers List. You can see all the past issues here. Almost four years worth!! For those of you new to the blog community, I try every month to highlight some young leaders who are making a difference. So here we go- kicking off 2011! And remember, these are not in any particular order.

1. Dharius Daniels- senior pastor and founder of Kingdom Church in New Jersey.

2. Jenna Lucado Bishop- speaker, author of Redefining Beautiful, and daughter of Max Lucado

3. Blake Canterbury- founder of BeRemedy, an organization that creates simple ways for you to help other people.

4. Isaac Hunter- senior pastor, Summit Church in Orlando

5. Karla Keatinge- heads up the i-heart campaign for Hillsong United.

6. Tifah Smith- lead vocalist of a new favorite band- The Autumn Film. Check them out.
