Think on these things

One of my favorite books of the Bible is Philippians. And one of my favorite sections of Scripture is in Chapter 4 of Philippians. In verse 8, Paul instructs us to fix our thoughts on certain things:

- Whatever is TRUE

- Whatever is HONORABLE

- Whatever is RIGHT (Correct)

- Whatever is PURE

- Whatever is LOVELY

- Whatever is of GOOD REPUTE (Reputation)

- Whatever is EXCELLENT

- Whatever is WORTHY of PRAISE

DWELL on these things. Allow them to absorb your thoughts, conquer your time, fulfill the corners and essence of who you are.

As leaders, many times it is so difficult for us to DWELL on things of excellence, because we feel a strong pull towards solving problems and focusing on things that are wrong vs. things that are right.

In verse 6-7, we are instructed to be anxious for nothing, but in EVERYTHING by PRAYER and Supplication, with THANKSGIVING, make our requests known to GOD. And the PEACE of GOD will guard our hearts and minds.

That is powerful. And a great reminder to THINK on things that are good, excellent and worthy of praise.