Glenn Beck, CNN star of his own talk show, had on Joel Rosenberg, the wildly successful author of several political end time books, including the most recent hit Dead Heat which is #11 on Amazon's current bestseller list, along with several other end time and political thriller books, including Epicenter. Joel is an evangelical Christian, and sounds like a pretty legitimate guy. Interesting that Glenn Beck would have him on- not necessary that Glenn would invite him on, because I think he is a Believer, but that CNN would allow this conversation to happen. A topic that can backfire quickly on a TV Network. By the way, Joel used to be an end times strategist for Israel, and is currently consulting with the White House, Congress, the Pentagon, and many others on the End Times and prophetic interpretations from the Bible. I guess the Bush administration is okay with Joel giving insight into End times prophecy, but I wonder if the next administration will see the need to hear from Joel?