
Catalyst Podcast Interview with The Shack author

The latest edition of the Catalyst Podcast features an interview with William Paul Young, best-selling author of The Shack, as well as a next gen profile interview with Kevin Palau, EVP of the Luis Palau Association, profiling the incredible story of the Portland CityFest and amazing collaboration between churches, government, businesses, and the city. 

Listen/Subscribe on itunes or stream from the Catalyst website.

Rejected Best-selling leadership book titles

Some titles that probably never made the cut at the top Publishing Houses..... 1. The 90 Degree Leader: Lead at a Right Angle

2. That's What She Said

3. I Am All That

4. Leadership Lessons from the Lions: Losing 16 Straight is a Breeze

5. You Suck: Reality is a Drag

6. Bad, Worse, Worst: How to Take Down a Company in 100 Days

7. Poop or Get off The Pot: Make a Decision You Moron

8. How Lazy are You?

9. Lose Your Job in One Week Beginner's Guide

Please feel free to add your favorite titles as well......