Friday highlights

- check out this great post from Seth on "Opening Acts and Rock Stars." - am reading the book "Why Work Sucks" right now. Very interesting book. Story of how Best Buy incorporated a results-only work environment.

- incredible basketball moment caught on video. Kid chunking the basketball. Full court shot. thanks to Jeff for the heads up. 

- favorite band I am listening to right now is NeedtoBreathe. Very cool sound. Like combining Hootie and The Fray into one. 

- Good Magazine now allows subscribers to pay $50 for a subscription and get a t-shirt and their name included in print. Plus all the proceeds from the regular subscription amount still goes to the charitable organization of their choice. Very innovative. 

- TED had 11 million downloads of TED talks on their website last month. 11 million! That is amazing. 

- Life and Facebook have partnered to make Easter weekend monumental for all your virtual facebook friends. Check out the details here

