Will someone PLEASE LEAD us?

Our United States Senate and House of Representatives adjourned on Friday of last week for what many are saying is the least effective congressional session ever. Not really something for our elected officials to write home about and be proud of. They are taking the next 7 weeks "off" to go and hit the campaign trail, instead of dealing with pressing issues waiting to be resolved and decisions that need to be made right now.

The recent approval rating for this Congressional session was the lowest EVER recorded. Not something to write home about or be proud of.

I don't know about you, but I'm fed up with this. I've lost total confidence in our elected officials to actually LEAD. It's frustrating. I'm trying to maintain a positive outlook and provide solutions rather than just gripe about the problems, but I'm not sure what the answer is. Everyone is dug in deep to their trench of political persuasion and not willing to compromise or collaborate. The 112th Congress seems to be best known for monumental procrastination.

As I think about what is happening right now, there are several things going on in Congress that seem to be a mirror of consistent momentum killers in any kind of organization or team environment, across all industries.

So here you go, examples of NOT LEADING and killing momentum would be the following:

1. Pointing fingers.

2. Blaming others.

3. Wrong priorities. Sideways energy on this one.

4. Making decisions based on whoever pays you the most.

5. Making decisions based on whoever screams the loudest.

6. Counting on someone else to make a decision, other than yourself.

7. Allowing bureaucracy to be an excuse for getting nothing done.

8. Putting your own personal goals ahead of the team, or the greater cause at play. In this case, the good of the country takes a backseat to you keeping your Senate or House seat.

9. Putting things off so that someone else will have to fix them later. Congress did convene last week to basically put a short term plan in place to avoid a complete government shutdown. Ridiculous.

10. Arguing constantly, vs listening and looking to create collaboration and areas of common ground.

What other things have you seen being acted out that remind you of how NOT to LEAD? 
