
As leaders, we naturally have a tendency to make it about "me." In some ways, you deserve it.

As the leader, you're probably putting in the most time, the most resources, the most energy, and risking way more than anyone else. You're the one carrying the responsibility and the weight. You have the greatest to risk and the greatest amount to lose.

But, ultimately, it's not about you. It's about the mission. It's about the impact. It's about a greater cause. And it's about your team.

It's not just you on your team. There's a team. Besides you. Other incredibly important staff crucial to the success of you accomplishing your mission and vision as an organization.

So next time someone says "How have you all accomplished all of this?..." or "What do you plan to accomplish the rest of this year?...." or "Who is involved in making things happen within your organization?..." "Or talk about the keys to success for you?...." Or "Man you all are killing it. Congratulations on all the success." Make sure you start your answer with "WE" or "US" or "OUR."

Not "ME" or "I" or "MY."

It's easy for us to get comfortable with the notion that "I'm" the reason for the success, or because of "my" willingness to stay late, or that new business deal is because of "me."

But even if it is, honor your team by choosing WE vs. ME, and US vs I.

You can do more together than on your own.
