Buy my new book H3 Leadership Now and receive an Exclusive offer

You can now pre-order my new book H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle.

The book releases on September 22, but if you pre-order before then, you will be eligible to receive the following:

Buy 1 book and receive The Catalyst Leader audio book, an exclusive new (never before released) ebook from me that includes a 20 Day Leadership Makeover, and free registration to a 2 hour video coaching online event with me later this fall.

Buy 5 books and receive all of the above plus a Branded Journal and The Catalyst Leader Small Group DVD Study.

Buy 10 books and receive all of the above plus a complimentary ticket to a future Catalyst One Day or Leadercast event.

 Just send a copy of your receipt of purchase to and then you will receive and have access to the exclusive pre-offers.

Happy ordering!
