5 Gears - A New Productivity Book to Check Out

5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There Is Never Enough Time

My good friends Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram, founders of GiANT Worldwide, have written a book you'll want to read. This new book will help you develop a rhythm and routine for your life that allows you to be productive at the right time of the day, as well as shift gears to be truly present with your family and fully recharge. 

People around the world struggle with work/ life balance. It is difficult to be productive and manage the relational dynamics of staying connected with others, while consistently recharging personally. 5 Gears came to light as Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram applied what they learned through their own experiences and their work with leaders around the globe. It is a powerful concept that has the ability to radically change the way you live and lead.

While many people focus on adding a new time management method to their life, Kubicek and Cockram have gone to the source of conflict and created a common language, that if implemented, will decrease drama and insecurity and replace it with a secure confidence that people everywhere need.

The leaders of GiANT Worldwide, Kubicek and Cockram share stories of successful transformation, leadership skill, and help you master the art of being present with those you lead. The 5 Gears are highly transferrable and are designed to be sticky and memorable. You will inevitably experience these results as you add your own story of what being in the right gear at the right time does to your influence and respect.

"5 Gears will profoundly change the way you see yourself and your interaction with others in every area of your life. How many books do that?" — PATRICK LENCIONI, President, The Table Group; author, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The Advantage

About the Authors:

JEREMIE KUBICEK is co-founder of GiANT Worldwide and the GiANT companies. He is a bestselling author of Making Your Leadership Come Alive and speaker to organizations throughout the world on transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. He currently resides in Oklahoma City with his wife and three children.

STEVE COCKRAM is co-founder of GiANT Worldwide and a recognized expert on personality development, applied leadership learning and culture change with executive teams and
organizations around the world. Steve is a sought- after speaker and teacher on apprenticeship, personality development and team building. He resides in London with his wife and three children.

A Few Ways the 5 Gears book will help you:

- Designed to help people conquer work/life balance
- Master the art of being present and productive
- Learn how to connect with those around you
- Learn how to be in the right gear in the right time… social, work, rest, etc.
- Learn how to fully recharge & be at your best
- Reconnect with your kids/spouse/family
- Build better relationships at work
- Maximize your influence
- Hard skills alone do not make you influential - emotional intelligence & your ability to connect does.
- Discover the most common pitfalls when it comes to connectivity, leadership and influence
- With Google and Youtube, information mastery is no longer enough...your ability to build and maintain authentic relationships with others is the competitive advantage.

Order the book today!
