15 New Books I Recommend

It's the end of the year. And this is probably more than you can read over the Christmas holiday, but wanted to provide my current top 15 list of new books I recommend you read. In no particular order:

1. Team of Teams - Stanley McChrystal 

2. How's Your Soul? - Judah Smith

3. Designed to Lead - Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck 

4. Tools of Titans - Tim Ferriss

5. Originals - Adam Grant 

6. Grit - Angela Duckworth 

7. Smarter, Faster, Better - Charles Duhigg

8. When You, Then God - Rusty George 

9. The Content Trap - Bharat Anand

10. Present Over Perfect - Shauna Niequist 

11. The Ideal Team Player - Patrick Lencioni

12. TED Talks - Chris Anderson 

13. Shoe Dog - Phil Knight

14. Living Forward - Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy

15. #AskGaryVee - Gary Vaynerchuk

BONUS: Thomas Friedman's new book Thank You for Being Late
