10 Ways to Elevate your Leadership Level

It's middle of the year, and as such, here are 10 reminders and ways to raising your leadership level. Hopefully these motivate you as well as inspire and challenge your team.  

I would recommend talking through each of these with your team, and challenging your team to live these out with intentionality over the next few months. 

1. Lead with Authenticity. Be Real. Human. approachable. Guard against hubris.

2. No sideways energy. Communicate. Focus. Guard against silos and wasted energy.

3. Stewardship. Each of us embracing and understanding our role in what we've been given and required to manage and uphold through the current platform we have.. Not just the leader, or the person in charge. 

4. Expertise. See myself as an expert, both in Individual responsibility and organizational responsibility.

5. Receive what we create. Become our own customer. Be passionate about allowing what you do to actually be something that you appreciate being the customer of. Guard against the mundane.

6. Guard against cynicism. Behind the curtain we have to guard against this. Fight it at every turn. And call it out if we see it.

7. Excellence. We are the best in the world. Confidence not arrogance. Act like it. Maintain a standard. Guard against being lazy and pessimistic.

8. Serve one another. Jump in and help. Get it done mentality. Not just at events or special occasions. All the time. Be willing to do whatever it takes.

9. Protect and maintain a "make it happen" culture. Guard against the phrase "it's not my job." and guard against creating clicks.

10. Get better every day. Guard against complacency. Keep learning and leaning into constant and continuous improvement. 
