A convo with JD Greear, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention

Check out my interview with former President of the Southern Baptist Convention JD Greear on the H3 Leadership Podcast.

JD Greear is the lead pastor of Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, NC, as well as the most recent president of the Southern Baptist Convention. JD is the author of multiple books including his most recent, Just Ask, and the host of the Ask Me Anything Podcast. We discuss what he's learned the last 18 months, why prayer is vitally important, how prayer is changing their church's culture, his advice to leaders right now, and more.

Plus, check out the brand-new list of the 5 Things from the Internet segment below. Make sure to access the Show Notes at the H3 Leadership website.

Special thanks to Impact Leadership Conference and 4Africa for being our trusted partners to help bring you these great interviews and episodes.

Impact Leadership Conference
Grow as a leader for FREE by attending the Impact Leadership Conference, hosted by Highlands College in Birmingham, AL. Happening Wednesday, December 8th, 2021. Learn from leadership expert John Maxwell, Chris Hodges and more. Secure your FREE spot today!

Bringing local leaders together to empower vulnerable communities for life in Uganda and South Sudan. You can make a difference in the life of a young leader through the Leadership Academy of South Sudan. Watch Leli Victor David’s story on how enrolling in the Leadership Academy of South Sudan was life changing. TEXT “DAVID” to (682) 428-4248 or visit http://4africa.com/h3.

5 Things from the Internet

Mark Zuckerberg interview by Gary V on Meta – on the Gary Vee Audio Experience Podcast YouTube page

Interview with Scott Harrison by Carlos Whittaker – on the Human Hope Podcast

25 Random Pieces of Advice for Leaders in their 20’s and 30’s – from Carey Nieuwhof on the Carey Nieuwhof blog

Article on New Story Charity (Brett Hagler and crew) in the New York Times – article from the New York Times

The Most Insane Ski Run Ever Imagined – from YouTube

12 Predictions for the Future of Music – article that’s very applicable to thought leaders and content creators as well

You can also find additional interviews with Patrick Lencioni, Bob Goff, Adam Grant, Charles Duhigg, Coach PJ Fleck, Louie Giglio, Christine Caine, Kevin Kelly, NT Wright, Rick Warren, Michael Jr, Jon Gordon, John Mark Comer, Carey Nieuwhof and many more.

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