Jon Acuff on the Power of Goals + October Top Ten Leadership List

Jon Acuff is back on the Podcast! Check out my interview with Jon Acuff on the H3 Leadership Podcast Episode 179 Listen in to the convo through Apple Podcasts or Spotify or on the Website.

Jon Acuff is a NYT Best-selling Author of 9 books, including his most recent All It Takes is a Goal. Jon is a popular speaker, writer, and advises multiple companies while also inspiring and hosting great guests on his All it Takes is a Goal Podcast. We discuss the power of goals, why he posts Instagram reels at the end of his run, communication today, travel, creating momentum, and more. Plus check out the October Top Ten Leadership List. Make sure to access the Show Notes at the H3 Leadership website.

Special thanks to CONVOY OF HOPE and KINSMEN JOURNAL for being our trusted partners on this episode.


Donate to the Maui Wildfires Relief work at Convoy is the trusted partner for delivering food and relief by responding to disasters in the US and all around the world. Right now, Convoy of Hope is still helping war victims in Ukraine, providing basic needs like food, hygiene supplies, medical supplies, blankets, bedding, clothing and more. Along with earthquake victims in Morocco. And the Maui Wildfires. All through partnering with local Churches. Please support their incredible work. To donate visit


Kinsmen Journal is a one of a kind publication, content hub, and community for men. Centered on Faith, Fatherhood, and Work, Kinsmen is a leading voice in the conversation surrounding spiritual formation and marketplace integration for men. Visit Check out the FREE weekly newsletter as well as the FREE podcast on Faith, Fatherhood and Work with publisher and founder Peter Ostapko. Again, visit Kinsmen Journal to subscribe for FREE to the weekly newsletter and access the incredible content and community.

October Top Ten Leadership List


The Hidden Potential – Adam Grant 

The Coaching Habit – Michael Bungay Stanier


The Aggressive Life Podcast – Brian Tome 

HBR on Leadership and Strategy – Harvard Business Review


Rachel Awtrey – host of the Real Life Podcast, Lifestyle blogger, speaker, thought leader, entrepreneur 

Brad Hill -  Denver based Chief Solutions Officer with GLOO and longtime tech and SaaS veteran.


Man Camp 2024 – hosted by Brian Tome and the Crossroads Church team 

Main Street Summit – November 8-9 in Columbia, MO – hosted by Brent Beshore and friends


50 Largest Christian Universities in America

HOW Nike lost Messi for a couple hundred dollars in track suits  

You can also find additional interviews with Patrick Lencioni, Bob Goff, Adam Grant, Charles Duhigg, Andy Stanley, Coach PJ Fleck, Louie Giglio, Christine Caine, Kevin Kelly, NT Wright, Rick Warren, Michael Jr, Jon Gordon, Jessica Jackley, John Mark Comer, Scott Harrison, Lysa Terkeurst, and many more.
