Gabe Lyons on Leading Well in 2024 + 20 Newsletters to Subscribe to

Check out my interview with Gabe Lyons on the H3 Leadership Podcast Episode 188. Listen in to the convo through Apple Podcasts or Spotify or on the Website.

Our guest is Gabe Lyons, Founder of Thinq Media, best-selling author, speaker and podcaster. Gabe and the team at THINQ are launching an exclusive 2024 Church Partner Community that you can join to help navigate cultural issues this year. We discuss the current realities, how to engage culture, leading as a Pastor or thought leader today, how to join the community, and more. Plus check out the list of 20 Newsletters I recommend you subscribe to starting off 2024.

Make sure to access the Show Notes at the H3 Leadership website.

Special thanks to GENEROUS COFFEE for being our trusted partner on this episode.

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Again, check out the THINQ Media Church Partner Community for 2024. Gabe Lyons and the team at Thinq are launching a special Church Partner Community for 2024. You’ll be able to attend premier events, receive monthly coaching on polarizing issues, build like-minded community, and leverage a custom resource platform to help people develop cultural discernment, You can also join a special conversation with Gabe and featured guest Os Guinness on January 23 at 10:00 a.m. CST. You don’t have to lead alone in 2024. Check out THINQ’s Church Partner Community and join with other pastors and leaders to confidently navigate the difficult questions and issues together.

Top 20 Newsletters to Subscribe to Starting off 2024

All the Hacks with Chris Hutchins

Garden City

Seth Godin

James Clear 3-2-1


The Weekend Briefing and The Weekend Reader

Ryan Holiday

5 Bullet Friday from Tim Ferriss

The Learning Leader

On the Rise from Carey Nieuwhof

The Hustle

Brass Tacks from Levi Lusko

Clay Scroggins

Morning Brew

INC Magazine

Fast Company

Adam Grant- Granted

Stratechery – Ben Thompson

Morgan Housel

You can also find additional interviews with Patrick Lencioni, Bob Goff, Adam Grant, Charles Duhigg, Andy Stanley, Coach PJ Fleck, Louie Giglio, Christine Caine, Kevin Kelly, NT Wright, Rick Warren, Michael Jr, Jon Gordon, Jessica Jackley, John Mark Comer, Scott Harrison, Lysa Terkeurst, and many more.
