Big Brother Host and CBS Journalist Julie Chen Moonves + 5 Things from the Internet

Check out my interview with Julie Chen Moonves on the H3 Leadership Podcast Episode 195. Listen in to the convo through Apple Podcasts or Spotify or on the Website.

Julie Chen Moonves is the host of Big Brother on CBS, and longtime journalist, TV personality, and a former co-host on The Early Show. Julie is the author of the recent audio memoir entitled But First, God. We discuss her faith journey, the best leaders she's worked for, God101, parenting styles, and much more. Plus, check out the latest 5 Things from the Internet list. Make sure to access the Show Notes at the H3 Leadership website.

Special thanks to GENERIS and OPEN DOORS for being our trusted partners on this episode.


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5 Things from the Internet

Overflow announces series B funding round

Want to be a better leader? Stop thinking about work after hours – from Harvard Business Review

Carey Nieuwhof on why he’s not an ExVangelical

CEO Excellence – book recommendation (thanks Dan Clark)

TEN - new worship album from The Belonging Co

NEW HYMNS – worship album from Forrest Frank

Great article from Tim Elmore – the latest findings on Gen Z as consumers and colleagues

You can also find additional interviews with Patrick Lencioni, Bob Goff, Adam Grant, Charles Duhigg, Andy Stanley, Coach PJ Fleck, Louie Giglio, Christine Caine, Kevin Kelly, NT Wright, Rick Warren, Michael Jr, Jon Gordon, Jessica Jackley, John Mark Comer, Scott Harrison, Lysa Terkeurst, and many more.
